Resource Library
These resources are available for loan to Baldwin & Lyons insureds for a period of 14 days. Video-on-Demand links are accessible from your computer for 30 days. You may borrow up to three programs at one time. Programs are available in VHS tapes only unless otherwise indicated. To borrow these materials, please contact our Loss Prevention Resource Library at (317) 636-9800 or email
Animal Awareness Driving - This video shows actual scenes of animals in and approaching the roadway in various situations, and how to determine the potential of a collision with an animal any time.
AIMS Multimedia
15 minutes
Avoiding Pedestrian Accidents (Safety Training Program Series) - This video teaches and reinforces critical driver safety techniques. The video focuses on one idea, avoiding pedestrian accidents, in order to sharpen a particular driver skill. There are 22 videos that can be used individually in this series.
American Trucking Associations
3-5 minutes
Emergency Braking - This video demonstrates what can happen in an emergency braking situation and how quickly a jackknife can occur. It discusses factors that affect the tendency for a tractor-trailer to jackknife and how to avoid wheel lock-up. It explains several ways to prevent a jackknife through load placement and proper use, maintenance, and adjustment of equipment and brakes.
Film Counselors Associates, Inc.
17 minutes
Rollover - This video reviews the causes and effects of truck rollovers. It stresses that one major cause of rollovers is excessive speed for the road and conditions. It explains the "basic stability level" of vehicles and notes that tractor-trailers have one-third the basic stability level of automobiles, so truck drivers must learn to compensate for this. It also explains how the freight load can affect the basic stability level of a tractor-trailer and discusses a variety of situations that can lead to a rollover and how to avoid them.
Film Counselors Associates, Inc.
20 minutes
Rollover! Extreme Seven-Minute Solutions - Rollovers take the life of more truck drivers than almost any other type of accident, and virtually all rollovers are preventable. This video covers the situations that can lead professional drivers to experience a rollover. Driving too fast, cornering too hard, or simply being inattentive or falling victim to fatigue is all covered in this video. Computer generated animation and real world interviews are combined to emphasize the message.
J.J. Keller & Associates, Inc.
JJ000060 - VHS & Video-on-Demand
7 minutes
Rollover Prevention (Safety Training Program Series) - This video analyzes the chain of events that lead to rollover accidents and discusses actions that can prevent rollovers. Countermeasures reviewed include recovery actions, equipment conditions, awareness of the environment and the importance of speed control.
American Trucking Associations
7 minutes
Rollovers — The Human Factor — Training Kit
Includes two videos: "Rollovers: Causes, Costs and Cures" (3 minutes" and "No Need to Roll Over" (8 minutes) - This program discusses the costs resulting from a vehicle rollover and explains the physics factors that contribute to a vehicle rollover and how to control these physics factors. It also discusses "speed adaptation" as it relates to vehicle rollovers. The kit includes the two videos and a safety meeting guide.
Institute of Driver Behavior
3 minutes / 8 minutes
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