Steer Clear of Lane Change Collisions
When driving a commercial motor vehicle (CMV), the smallest movements can potentially have the biggest consequences. A seemingly simple action – moving from one lane to the other – can lead to a fatal crash when the appropriate steps aren’t taken.
Lane change and merging collisions are two of the most common types of incidents that occur between large trucks and passenger vehicles. You have large blind spots and may be unaware of a passenger vehicle being near you until it’s too late and you have already made contact. Always double check your mirrors before making a move. As you look in the mirror, lean forward and back, and rise up in your seat to view beyond the limits of the mirror.
Before changing lanes, always determine if the lane change is necessary. Remain patient. It can be frustrating to wait a long time for space to open up to allow the truck to move into the next lane but not waiting can have deadly consequences for you and the other vehicles. Before any lane change is attempted, you must always verify that there is plenty of room between you and the other vehicles. Regardless of the circumstances, if you leave your current lane of travel, you are responsible for the control of your vehicle. Collisions that occur during the lane change are always preventable.
Space management of your vehicle can change instantly. Keep in mind that just because the road was clear for a lane change one second ago, circumstances can change rapidly. For example, a vehicle may have randomly sped up or slowed down in the lane you are trying to enter. It’s crucial that you constantly check your mirrors during the entire lane change, all while continuing to keep an eye on what’s going on in front of you on the road.
Signal your intentions well in advance by giving at least three blinks of the turn signal. Many motorists do not realize they are in a truck driver’s blind spot but they might notice a turn signal and adjust accordingly. If you slow your speed for a few seconds, a vehicle in your blind spot can move into sight.
Extra precaution should be used when changing lanes near merging traffic, such as a ramp entering the highway. You may feel pressure to move one lane away from the merging traffic in order to give merging vehicles space. In doing so, you unknowingly create a blind spot on your right side with no way to know for certain that traffic has successfully merged. The safer option is for you to stay in the right lane and slow down, allowing vehicles entering traffic to merge in front of you.
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