Spotlight on Small Fleet Trucking:
Reduced Rates Now Available
Sagamore Insurance Company, rated A+ (Superior) by AM Best, has recently reduced their Small Fleet Trucking rates in Alabama, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, Oklahoma, Oregon and Utah. This program is available online for agents to quote and bind trucking companies with six or fewer trucks.
Our Small Fleet Trucking program offers your agency competitive commission and Point of Sale binding capabilities. You can use your Small Fleet Trucking code to quote and bind coverage in any state where we offer the program and your agency is currently licensed.
Underwriting Tips
To maximize your efficiency, you can now defer customers to Sagamore for all of their payment processing needs. As a Sagamore agent, all you need to do is bind coverage and collect the initial payment—leave the rest to us! The initial down payment (deposit and down payment) will be billed on your monthly commission statement. Please do not send the deposit and down payment directly to Sagamore. Pay from your monthly commission statement.
Our Small Fleet Trucking program offers competitive rates for a variety of commodities. General Freight, produce, packaged food, grain, lumber, logs and autos are some commonly-written goods.
Quality Assurance Calls
Sagamore conducts a quality assurance call with each of our new customers shortly after policy binding. We do this to provide a superior level of service and ensure customer satisfaction. When binding coverage, please inform the insured that they will be contacted by a Sagamore underwriter to verify several pieces of information including mileage, commodities and routes traveled. We will only ask the questions that appear on the application.
Marketing Representatives
If you are interested in receiving more information, would like to be considered for an appointment or have just not spoken to your marketing representative lately, please contact us at 800-317-9402 option 8. Our representatives would enjoy hearing from you!
Here is a quick breakdown of our marketing team and the states they represent:
Our Small Fleet Trucking program is available in Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, North Carolina, North Dakota, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia and Wisconsin.
If you are not sure if your agency already has an assigned code or if you would like more detail on our rate changes, please contact your marketing representative. |
In This Issue
Spotlight on Small Fleet Trucking: Reduced Rates Now Available
Fuel For Thought
Fuel For Thought |